Welcome to Govt. G.L.D.M Degree College Hiranagar (NAAC Accredited with Grade B+)


The college has library which caters to the need of under graduate students and the faculty members. The library functions on an open access system for the student and faculty member. It has collection of books in various disciplines of Arts and Science.

Library Rules:

The library rules are as under:
1. Books are issued to the students on production of library card which is issued to him/her at the start of the academic session by the librarian. Books lost or damaged in any way shall have to be replaced by the borrower failings which double the cost of the books shall be charged. The borrower should satisfy himself/herself about the sound condition of the book before leaving the counter.

2. Books are issued for a period of 14 days only and a fine of Rs. 1.00 per day per book shall be charged after the due date.

3. Complete silence is to be observed in the college library.

4. Every student on being admitted shall be 'identity Card' which he/she will carry at all times and shall produce on demand while in college.

5. The loss of the identity card should be reported immediately.

6. Duplicate card may be issued after proper verification against payment of Rs.100.00.

7. Identity cards must be returned at the end of each session failing which an amount of Rs. 200.00 shall be charged.